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Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Looking back on a year of fitness Joel volunteering with the Santa Claus Run this year. Photo supplied Christmas time is a time for giving, to share goodwill with others. December being the last month of the year is

Fitness program preps grads to become instructors The City of Saskatoon (City), in partnership with the Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) and Fitness 2J2, is celebrating the success of Aboriginal students' completion of the Aboriginal Fitness Preparatory Program.

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: From an epic journey to evacuees July was a month that started off with an epic 260 km canoe trip.

Functional fitness coach, instructor up for ABEX award The founder and CEO of Fitness 2J2 is a finalist in the Saskatchewan Chamber of Business Commerce 2018 ABEX Awards for Community Involvement. Joel Pedersen employs eight part-time instructor coaches in Saskatoon. Functional fitness and self-defence for women and youth are the main focus in his business. He’s expanding

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Lifting and leading This month we are sending shout outs to the crew from Saskatoon who completed their Aboriginal Fitness Preparatory Leader Program, and have gone on to complete their SPRA Fitness Leadership Certification.  This was one of the ideas I had been discussing over the last

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Enjoying the North Functional Fitness is about making useful exercise transferable to everyday life activity. It’s about improving your quality of life so you can physically participate in recreation and sport.  We want to prepare you to enjoy life through the sport of fitness. September finished off

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: James Bay girls at bat with Blue Jays foundation Tansi, Edlanete, I hope this article finds you and your family in a good place. I recently returned from the area of Muskoka, Ontario, which is now in the news because of the flooding in the east. I have the honour of being an implementing partner with the Blue

Fitness 2J2 only First Nations SABEX finalist, winner Saskatoon Greater Chamber of Commerce held its annual Saskatoon Achievement in Business Excellence Awards and Gala at the TCU Place in Saskatoon earlier this spring. Some of the brightest names in Saskatoon’s business community were honoured, and a familiar face on the Indigenous health circuit was victorious.

Strategies for your mental and physical health, managing during Coronavirus. I hope this column finds you and your families safe and healthy. As we all navigate through the pandemic that is sweeping across the world, and in some of our communities. Where

Fitness tips from Fitness 2J2: Train your mind and body as one I am often asked what inspires me to focus on healthy and active lifestyle. There are many people, places, and things where I draw inspiration. One is the openness to learn from others, not only from physical accomplishments but also emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Over the past year I

Don’t give up Podcast Available: Click here to listen to the audio version of this story Kaleigh from Île-à-la-Crosse is on a journey to a healthy lifestyle all thanks to the Fitness 2j2 programming. Photo by Neave Pedersen

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Thunderbirds welcome Summer Games athletes The sky’s Askiy were loud with a northern summer thunderstorm with the lightning and thunder that make you think that was close, the type you find in mid-July in Saskatchewan. My daughter Neave and I waited in a line of hundreds of vehicles with the windshield wipers working at

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Journey from Cancer treatment to Healthy Lifestyle with 2J2 Spring is almost here in “Saskabush” the snow is starting to finally melt the temperatures warming.  I am sure your Mushum has already told you it really was not even a harsh winter! Not like the olden days!  I think its fair to say we are

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Dealing with muscle soreness This month, Fitness 2J2 had the privilege to provide a workshop with the North Western Communities (NWC-LTD) out of Beauval, as part of the Saskatchewan Resource Rangers summer program.  After the programming, we discussed how important a healthy lifestyle and how a consistent fitness program would assist the

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Backpack training for strength and conditioning What was the highlight of your summer? The most memorable moment? Was there a point where you didn’t want the day to end, even with the amazing sunset that you knew was coming?  Iam sure there were many days like these.  It really was a great summer, a

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Rowing for fitness, strength, and endurance Welcome to summertime, being outside and enjoying the parks and outdoor activities.  Challenging yourself to a personal best or enjoying some recreation, what ever it is summer offers us all a great opportunity to keep that connection with nature.  Shout out’s: St.Mary’s School crew who completed their first

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: How does a New Yorker say Saskatchewan? For the past four years I have applied to the New York Marathon, the largest marathon in the world.  Regularly at least 50,000 runners for the whole 42.2kms, with 1.5million spectators.  Brining out Olympic and professional athletes who are competing for money and prizes,

Fitness 2J2 honoured to be SABEX finalist Joel has found his passion working with youth throughout the province, helping them lead healthy lifestyles.

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Functional Fitness and Running Programs from LaRonge to Saskatoon This past month we brought Functional Fitness and 2J2 Running programming to the LaRonge community. Community Co-ordinator Ashley Roberts did an awesome job of organizing through the Gordon Denny community school. It was a full week of functional fitness with the students during the day, and evening sessions with the

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Rugby craze hits First Nations communities Have you ever heard of the New Zealand All-Blacks Rugby? Or seen the traditional Indigenous Maori Haka war dance? Truly inspiring and impressive that the country is connected by the sport and the Indigenous culture. Rugby is similar to football and soccer with differences such as: the ball must

Canoe Lake Cree Nation, empowered through Functional Fitness. Tansi, Edlanete, hoping your fall is going awesome and you are staying active. That you found some time during the week around Remembrance Day to give thanks for all that we have as a direct result of our WW1 and WW2 veterans.  

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: “Set the trap” squat Happy holidays and Merry Christmas, I hope this year has been very uplifting and fulfilling for you. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to visit and provide programming to a number of new Northern communities in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, and return to some for a second

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Turning the impossible into the possible Each August the annual Frank Dunn Triathlon at Waskesiu Lake takes place, it is the oldest running triathlon in western Canada. Men and women from first timers to International Ironman athletes join in. It started off with a group of guys wanting to try out the new sport back in

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2 One of the first things I talk about with people when it comes to healthy lifestyle is how fitness should be an equal balance with mind, body and spirit.  This is how we as Aboriginal people lived for many years, in a healthy holistic way, pre- and post-European

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: The foam roller It's been a busy couple of months; in Montreal Lake Cree Nation for a week of Functional Fitness with the school and community; Black Lake First Nation for a Aboriginal Fitness Leader Prep;  Askiy Run Club did a 5km run; finally the St.Mary’s Wolfpack crew completed

Fitness 2J2: In Memory of Max This month has been one of the most challenging months for me. Not only because of what seems like a ‘marathon-style’ of scheduling business event - lots on the go with the weekly drop-in sessions at St.Mary’s in Saskatoon. As well, I had

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: The spiritual, emotional, and mental impact physical health As we come to the end of February much has happened in the first few months of 2018. Although this column is usually about health and wellness of the body, I wanted to talk also about the other parts of our wellness. The spiritual and emotional part, and how

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Future career opportunities for our youth I recognize the importance of healthy and positive lifestyle, and to share that with as many people as I can.  I also know that some of my own experiences and opportunities that have occurred were a direct result of joining the Canadian Armed Forces

Fitness 2J2 in Cumberland House Functional fitness with Fitness 2J2 in Cumberland House.

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Set your goals so high, only a fighter jet can take you there! Have you ever looked up and saw or heard a military jet fly past and wonder what it must feel like to be in it? I know I certainly have. I’ve always been impressed by the speed of the planes, and the ability of what the pilots can do with those

Fitness coach retires from police force After 25 successful years of service, Joel Pedersen has officially retired from the Saskatoon Police Service. True to Joel’s humble nature, his last day in uniform went by without any pomp and circumstance or a big flashy send off. “I

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Training versus working out Recently, I was asked a similar question with regards to training and working out by two different people, one in Pelican Narrows, the other in Green Lake.  Working out and training sound similar; however, I see a difference, it's in how you think and act. Have you ever

Recounting the Louis Riel Relay For the third straight year, the team from Stanley Mission won 1st place in the Louis Riel Relay. Photo supplied by Joel Pedersen The Louis Riel Relay has

Functional fitness company teaches all ages a healthy lifestyle A Fond du Lac Dene Nation man hopes to use fitness to empower Aboriginal communities. Joel Pedersen owns and operates Fitness 2J2, a professional Aboriginal Fitness Instruction and Consulting company. A socially responsible community-based health and wellness business, Fitness 2J2

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Positive healthy activities May is through, which is hard to believe, and for me it has been full of positive healthy activities and signs. From the beginning of spring and all that nature has to show us, to graduation Powwow’s like the UofS, and other community awards

Fitness tips from Fitness 2J2: Working your core Tansi, and Edlanet’e, hoping this column is finding you in a great place this summer, and you are staying active to the best of your ability. I started writing this article back at the end of May just after the Sask Marathon, now July find myself finishing it on

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Avoid that holiday weight gain Last month we were in Fond du Lac, Shout out to NSCRD community co-ord Andy Adams, Phys-ed Teacher Devlin Auyer, teachers and students from the Father Gamache Memorial School. In that week, we managed to have 30 classes for 515 youth and adults

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Spring into summer Hey team, welcome to spring and sliding into summer, hopefully your winter and hockey season was successful. I recently returned from a week-long Functional Fitness Programing in Dilion, Buffalo River Dene Nation. Grateful to the students who worked hard in their sessions,

Fitness Tips from Fitness 2J2: Why breakfast matters I often find myself writing this article in my mind as I am out running, or in the summer kayaking or canoeing over the water. I am more grounded when I am with nature, so when in the city with the noise of

Fitness tips from Fitness 2J2: Dragon Boat nutrition tips This summer has been active for a number of our readers with NAIG in Toronto, Sask First Nations Games in Regina, Canada Games in Winnipeg, and the World Indigenous Games in Edmonton. 

Fitness 2J2 Basketball Camp for Youth Fitness 2J2, basketball camp, free basketball camp, free youth basketball camp, free activities for youth in Saskatoon April 7 & 8, 2018 2018-03-28 00:00:00

Honour runners anticipate another empowering experience The Road to Peace and Unity is a race worth running, and Shannon Loutitt, longtime honour runner, is excited to help make it happen again.  In 2010, she trained and led fifteen youth honour runners called 'The New Messengers,' who ran a 100 km

The journey to a healthy and positive lifestyle is a daily balance Deciding what to write about is sometimes a challenge, other times it’s as if there is not enough space in a column to share the descriptions or thoughts.   I have been so fortunate to meet some incredible people over the past couple months, and experience

Empowering Indigenous Communities and People through Security Training Clarrisa Donard of Black Lake was one of 33 northern residents who successfully completed a recent indigenous-operated, three-week, live-in security guard training program in Stony Rapids. The day after

Pedersen to receive Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal Saskatoon – During National Volunteers Week, Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty announced the 2019 recipients of the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal. Local business person and part-time Eagle Feather News contributor Joel Pedersen is among

Health & Wellness from Fitness 2J2: Domestic violence can happen to anyone Domestic violence can happen to anyone. We all have to do our part to stop violence.

Never give up on a healthy, positive lifestyle Welcome to 2016 to all Eagle Feather readers, hope your 2015 was fulfilling, and you have selected some New Year resolution’s that will involve healthy and positive lifestyle. At 2J2 we finished off the year with the annual Running Room’s

Boucher goes from nose in the dirt to Order of Military Merit Sergeant Major Albert Boucher was invested as Member of the Order of Military Merit by Governor General Julie Payette. Photo supplied Albert Boucher has military in his blood. From having ancestors fight