Ryan Ross, gemstone cutter in Saskatoon, is offering services otherwise not found in the province (Photo supplied by Ryan Ross)
Saskatoon Business

Canada’s only Indigenous coloured gemstone lapidary is a cut above

Aug 19, 2024 | 8:03 AM

Ryan Ross has an unusually rare vocation − gemstone cutting, but how he got into yhr 
He wasn’t raised in the lapidary tradition, but rather became unexpectedly captivated by it around the same time he decided to get married.
“While I was searching for an engagement sapphire for my partner, I was looking at all these gemstones and fell in love with how every one had a different reflection and design,” said Ross. “It was something I’d never seen before.”
The Montreal Lake Cree Nation and Saskatoon resident, said he was working at the Dakota Dunes Casino when COVID-19 and shut everything down.
Rather than just sit at home, Ross saw it as an opportunity to pursue his newfound passion.  He researched gemstone cutting machines, bought one online from India, and taught himself the trade using books and YouTube videos.

Ryan Ross is likely Canada’s only Indigenous gem cutter lives in Saskatoon and wants to teach others the trade. (Photo supplied by Ross)

After almost two years of self-training, Ross now has his own gemstone cutting business – 3 Sisters Gem Stones, named after his three daughters.
He hopes to soon take his business full-time, and offer Saskatchewan a service it hasn’t had before.
“There is no one else in Saskatchewan does this as a business, so I would like to capitalize on that,” said Ross.
He said most jewelers have to go out of province if they need something specific, while consumers often settle for what’s available in stores rather than getting exactly what they had in mind.
“I can solve those issues,” said Ross. “I can source any stone out there, and cut them to any shape or design they’re looking for.”
He also understands the cultural value gemstones.
Ross said a lot of beadwork and traditional designs use fake gemstones made of plastic. He knows Indigenous people and their art deserve better.
“I would really like to get Indigenous people out of using plastics,” said Ross. “I think it’s unfair, I think it’s a rip-off. All those nice beaded earrings use plastic as a stone – it’s hurting the environment as well.”
While Ross is able to polish diamonds, he wants to focus exclusively on cutting coloured gemstones, which have become more popular in recent years, particularly with men, he said.
Despite its popularity, the art-form seems to be dying, said Ross. There are only about 120 gem cutters in Canada and other than himself he has yet to meet another Indigenous lapidary.
“Indigenous people have been cutting gemstones in the States and southern Canada for years,” he said. “I would really like to teach other people to get into the art-form.”

(Left) ying-yang cut into a hessonite garnet. (Right) Sapphire gemstone, one of Ross’ favourite stones (photo supplied by Ryan Ross)

Ross bought a second machine for the very purpose of teaching others his craft. He offers a two-day course, in which the student is able to cut a stone for themselves at it’s conclusion.
“I don’t want to be the only one in Saskatchewan doing this,” he said. “I want to teach anyone who is willing to learn. And hopefully one day I can pass this business down to my daughters.”
Ross’ work can be found Instagram at 3sistersgemstones, where he offers cutting and recutting, polishing services, and commissioned work.